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Past Projects

Project Namaste III



December 2008



Shree Sita Primary School (Sita Pra Vi)
Armala VIllage Development Committe - 8, Armalakot
Kaski District
Gandaki Zone, Nepal



Pokhara Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI)

Manaiya Srot Bikas Kendra Nepal (MSBK)

Room To Read 


As with the previous Namaste, we focused on factors that encouraged the children to attend school. As the chipping wall particles were causing the children to develop respiratory problems and fall ill, we plastered the school walls to prevent this from studying. We also painted the walls of the school and installed skylights to make a more cheery, bright and exciting studying environment. All these were aimed at providing a safe and conducive environment for the students.


For the surrounding village, we funded the construction of improved cooking stoves in around 30 houses.


On our return, the documentary entitled "Majboori" (Limitations) was produced. It was featured together with a month long photo exhibition at the National Library Board. Click here to view our documentary now.


Sophia Lo Sing Hui
Project Namaste III

The Nepal host community have been the most heart-warming and generous community I have ever encountered. Despite the little they have, they have taught me to serve and give with the heart, and that’s all that matters, that’s all that make the difference.


Through them, I’ve learnt to treasure many little things in life and to derive happiness from simple acts of kindness. They made me understand that people and relationships (especially in a community and in a team) are what truly made life meaningful and worth living for.  The experience has made me remove the big “me”, but pushed me to consider others before myself in all things I do. They have truly been great life role models in many ways.


Many others have debated that we may not be able to make that much of a difference during our short stay in the host community, but to me, every little act of kindness matters, more than we can ever imagine. And all that I would love to see is the spread of love as people are driven through such community acts.


Project Namaste has let me experience another way of life, and brings me to treasure even more the circumstance I have been placed and the people who carry me through life. That a community is what we see everywhere in our everyday lives, but nothing is going to ever change unless we take the step to give of ourselves and motivate others to do the same.

Joanne Tan Chay En
Project Namaste III

Project Namaste has been one of the most transformational experiences I have had. This experience has taught me many lessons such as the importance of learning how to be satisfied with life, how not to take the comforts I possess now for granted, how to cooperate with others in the team as well as other valuable attributes like patience and generosity.


Prior to the trip, I have always been complaining about the inequality in life and how life has never been fair or kind to me. However, when I saw how the villagers were contented and happy with their simple life of farming and sewing every day, I begin to understand that I have always been taking the blessings I have for granted. I learnt the importance of being satisfied and contented with life.


Moreover, this project also boosted my self-confidence as I felt a great sense of achievement of having helped improve the lives of both the villagers and the Nepali students. No doubt, the smiles of the villagers enhanced my willingness to be further involved in volunteerism.

Joseph Ting Jia Wern
Project Namaste III

One of the major problems in Nepal is the discontent, poverty and an overwhelming sense of helplessness among the rural people. This leads to mass migration of the male working population and further drains the country of its human resource and perpetuates the poverty cycle.


I have seen the great potential for social initiatives in many developing countries and the vast potential for both social and economic development. I believe that social enterprises are the most sustainable method of implementing change in such places. Life is about serving others, not myself.


Moving on from Namaste, I want to identify a suitable organization to volunteer with that will help increase and enrich my experience in starting such social initiatives.

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